
Mohs Surgery

Mohs Surgery

Mohs Surgery services offered in Pasadena, CA

When performed by an experienced and fellowship-trained surgeon, Mohs surgery has a > 99% success rate in treating skin cancer. Founder of California Dermatology and Mohs Surgery Specialists, Dr. Soleymani is a nationally acclaimed and highly sought-after double board-certified and fellowship-trained Mohs Micrographic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is considered by many to be a leading expert in skin cancer treatment. At California Dermatology and Mohs Surgery Specialists in Pasadena, California, Dr. Soleymani is there to provide world-class, compassionate, and individualized care for all your skin cancer needs. Call the dermatology center today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

Mohs Surgery Q & A

What is Mohs surgery?

Mohs micrographic surgery is the most effective treatment for many common skin cancers. Commonly called Mohs surgery, this highly specialized surgical procedure involves removing malignant skin cancers with the guide of a microscope and tumor map used during surgery, which allows the surgeon to provide the highest possible cure rate preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. Mohs surgery allows Dr. Soleymani to eliminate every trace of cancer without unnecessarily removing healthy skin.

Mohs surgery requires extensive fellowship training to perform properly. The procedure involves carefully removing cancerous tissue layer by layer, with precise tumor mapping and microscopic examination of cancer during surgery. After each stage, Dr. Soleymani carefully maps the tumor in a 360-degree fashion, and the cancer is then processed into slides, where he reviews it under a microscope to check the margins. He repeats this process until all the margins are clear and free of tumors. 

After Mohs surgery, reconstruction may be needed to restore the area's natural function and cosmetic outcome after cancer removal. Reconstruction is often performed on the same day or the following day, depending on the extent of the cancer. 

In much acclaim, Dr. Soleymani’s fellowship training was also in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Notably, he is one of only a handful of Mohs Surgeons in the world with dedicated fellowship training in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well, allowing him to provide his patients with expert-level, world-class plastic reconstructive surgery after cancer removal, usually done all on the same day and in the same office. 

What types of skin cancer can Mohs surgery treat?

Mohs surgery is able to treat all types of skin cancer and provides the highest cure rate possible compared to other treatment options. Most commonly, Mohs surgery is used to treat basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and melanomas. 

Although these are the three most common forms of skin cancer routinely treated with Mohs surgery, nearly all types of skin cancers are commonly and successfully treated with Mohs surgery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about skin cancer treatment.

How do I prepare for Mohs surgery?

About two weeks before Mohs surgery, stop smoking and avoid medications that can thin the blood. Dr. Soleymani may also recommend avoiding certain supplements the week before your procedure. Make sure not to drink alcohol at least 24 hours before Mohs surgery to maintain your blood pressure. Before your surgery, the nursing staff will complete a detailed checklist to ensure you are prepared and ready for your day. 

What can I expect from the Mohs surgery recovery process?

The recovery period for Mohs surgery typically lasts about 1-2 weeks. As with all surgical procedures, bruising, and pain are expected to a degree.  To ensure a healthy recovery without complication, you should:

  • Follow the detailed post-op instructions provided by the nursing staff
  • Rest and take it easy for the week after surgery
  • Eat a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids
  • Avoid exercise for a minimum of 48 hours

As with any surgery, a scar is normal and expected. Unlike purely cosmetic surgery, where you can decide where to “hide” the scar, in skin cancer treatment and Mohs surgery, the location of the cancer dictates where the scar may be. However, the team prides themselves on achieving phenomenal surgical results, often with invisible or nearly invisible scars. 

Call California Dermatology and Mohs Surgery Specialists today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about Mohs surgery.